New Approach to Transition Feeding Favoured

New Zealand dairy farmers are urged to tip their thinking about calcium supplements and wintering on its head to get the most out of their herd’s production into spring time and beyond.

Dr Joe McGrath, Asia-Pacific is the manager for nutrition company DSM and adjunct senior lecturer in ruminant nutrition at the University of New England in Australia. Dr McGrath’s research focuses on the critical relationship between between macro minerals, primarily calcium, and health […]

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Managing Facial Eczema

Once sporidesmin pasture spore counts are above 20,000/g nutritional strategies are a vital tool to reduce the impact of facial eczema in a herd or flock. The use of zinc in the diet of grazing stock, as a drench, in water or in feed, has long been recognized as one of the most effective methods of minimizing the impact of facial eczema. […]

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