Lactisol Z

The science behind the battle with facial eczema (FE)

Lactisol Z

  • Contains zinc oxide to aid in the prevention of FE
  • Contains no copper - as copper causes the spore to become toxic
  • Contains Hy-D to increase the absorption of calcium and phosphorus that high levels of zinc decrease the absorption of
  • Contains the powerful antioxidants vitamin E and Selenium

Facial Eczema (FE) is chronic toxicity caused by the ingestion of spores from pasture and their conversion into sporidesmin in blood. This disease causes damage to the bile ducts and liver of the animal. The liver damage can be fatal if not caught in time and, even where symptoms are not obvious, subclinical damage can reduce glucose production, waste processing and, consequently, animal performance.

There are limited options for treatment once animals are sick. The best strategy is prevention – monitoring spore levels, dosing with zinc when they reach a critical threshold and / or spraying pasture with an appropriate fungicide. Grazing management, alternative crops and utilising supplementary feeds can all help to reduce exposure.

Since the 1970’s zinc in the diet, as a drench, bolus, in water or feed, has been one of the most effective methods of reducing facial eczema impact. It’s sometimes, however thought of as the only tool. When spore numbers are really high, zinc is often not enough to prevent damage. What’s more, like many strong medicines, zinc comes with side effects. That’s why to best manage facial eczema on your farm, it’s not just about zinc. Key points in the fight against facial eczema include:

  • Zinc inhibits the generation of the superoxide radical by sporidesmin.
  • Copper causes the spore to become toxic.
  • There is no safe copper supplement.
  • Zinc reduces copper absorption.
  • Non-pasture feeds during risk periods will help limit spore exposure.
  • Zinc antagonises calcium absorption, increasing the risk of hypocalcaemia. The use of Hy-D can improve calcium absorption.
  • Vitamin E has been shown to act differently to zinc, helping to prevent damage by free radicals.

Click here to read our full article on managing facial eczema and check out our Lactisol Z guide below.

Lactisol Z is available in two forms. Lactisol Nucleus Z is the registered form and is available for farmers to purchase and feed themselves. Lactisol Blender Z is also available in the Complete form – containing lime and salt. It is available to feed manufacturers only.

Lactisol Blender Z

Formulated to help feed blenders prevent facial eczema with elevated levels of zinc, no copper and the required vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Plus, it contains Hy-D®, DSM’s unique form of vitamin D, and DSM’s Rovimix® Biotin for keratin production.

Lactisol Nucleus Z

An ACVM registered product¹ containing all the vitamins, trace minerals, mag and zinc needed to help you prevent facial eczema.

¹Lactisol Z Nucleus is registered pursuant to the ACVM Act, registration number A011529