Kickstart Your Autumn Calvers with TranzSol & Get a Free Weber® Baby Q®

Healthy Herd,
Stronger Future

Build stronger, healthier more productive cows with a practical approach.

High Quality Solutions

Sustainable, affordable trace element and supplement solutions to address specific challenges facing animals in grass fed farm production systems.

High Quality Support

Support and consultation dedicated to helping you achieve your on farm goals. Together your nutrition program is made simple and effective.

Five Key Areas

Focused on the cows requirements within your dairy operation, there are five key focus points to building healthier cows in New Zealand



The foundation of immunity and health. Antioxidants allow ruminants to channel nutrients to production and to improve their resistance to disease challenges.


Nutrient Utilisation

The ability of the animal to convert the nutrients made available to it into either muscle, bone or milk will determine its efficiency and long term productive potential.


Antibiotic Free Treatments

Solutions to animal health issues that in the past have required antibiotics, as more markets require low residue, non anti-biotic solutions to animal health.



Improved utilisation of nutrients through supplements or grass will ensure a more efficient animal, reducing nutrient losses through Green House Gases and effluent, reducing the animal’s environmental ‘footprint’ and improving its productivity.


Skeletal Development

The basis of every animal’s ability to remain productive and healthy, as a key source of nutrient reserves including Calcium and Magnesium.

On Farm Outcomes

Products At The Heart Of Building Healthy Cows

LactiSol, TranzSol and LactiSol Z with their variable levels of strength give you all the nutrients you need to build a healthier more productive herd.

Scientifically formulated to meet the nutritional requirements of cows when grazing pasture and consuming meals/silage.

Lactisol contains all the minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and HyD required for optimum production and health in high producing dairy farms.

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Contains highly available sources of magnesium, calcium, trace minerals and antioxidants.

Contains HyD, a highly available source of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is required for optimum calcium metabolism prior to calving.

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Prevent facial eczema (FE) while still gaining the benefits from LactiSol to optimise health and production in your herd.

Containing all the vitamins, trace minerals, mag and zinc needed to help you prevent facial eczema.

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Your Team of Experts

Providing tailored support is how Sollus delivers high quality, simple solutions focused on achieving your goals.

Dr Joe McGrath


Erin Stables

Business Development Manager

Northland, North Waikato, Canterbury

Bruce Hemingway

Account Manager

Waikato, BOP

Tony Cassidy

Account Manager

Central & South Waikato

John Baldie

Account Manager
